Time Prophet

The Time Prophet is a character on the science fiction series LEXX.

The Time Prophet is a pivotal character in the TV series Lexx. She was capable of seeing the future, although she claimed that, as time was cyclical, she was actually seeing the past, though not always clearly. As she explained it, "Time begins, and then time ends, and then time begins once again. It is happening now, it has happened before, it will surely happen again."

The Time Prophet played a role in the saga of the Brunnen-G people. A very poetic people with colorful clothes and towering bouffant hairdos, the Brunnen-G lived behind a protective shield and became immortal, eventually falling into despair and decadence from the boredom of their endless existence. Finally they were attacked by the forces of His Divine Shadow, and a young revolutionary named Kai convinced them to fight, even though they knew the battle was a hopeless one. Kai had visited a being known as The Time Prophet, and she had told him that he would defeat His Divine Shadow. This was indeed true, although it would happen many years after Kai's people were dead and his re-animated corpse had served His Divine Shadow for 2008 years as an assassin.

The Time Prophet probably was killed by the Divine Executioner, Vlad as she claims in season 4, but it is unclear and could be just a lie or mistake (season 4 full of them) in script, because death of Time Prophet contradicts her nature and introduction narrative of episode 4.0, where she was alive after cleansing, which only could happened after Vlad left Cluster.

In one story, the Time Prophet sent a message to the crew of the Lexx across centuries by delivering it in the prophecy she gave to a man who had come to her seeking financial advice, knowing that when the man died his memories would be recorded and eventually played for Stan when the disk of the mans memories falls on his head. She is even sure to repeat herself when Stanley forgets a detail and goes back.